What 20-minutes presentation (or a thousand words article) can you transform in an infographic?
(episode #18 of the Tiny Graphics Advent Calendar)
#tinygraphics #dataviz #infographics #dashboards
The goal of a tiny graphic is to convince people to act
What stressful issue do you have which could be expressed visually, so that responsible people could act?
(episode #17 of the Tiny Graphics Advent Calendar)
#tinygraphics #dataviz #infographics #dashboards
How to show a better service using the same timeline for different solutions
What option can you come up with, which isn’t visible from your customer’s perspective?
(episode #16 of the Tiny Graphics Advent Calendar)
#tinygraphics #dataviz #infographics #dashboards
Show the speed of a process by comparing different solutions
What can you build the turtle way, slowly and gradually, providing as much help as possible for your customers?
(episode #15 of the Tiny Graphics Advent Calendar)
#tinygraphics #dataviz #infographics #dashboards
When should you align different quantities on the same period of time
What different quantities could you compare on the same timescale?
(episode #14 of the Tiny Graphics Advent Calendar)
#tinygraphics #dataviz #infographics #dashboards